1.01 For all legal transactions, financial accounting, correspondence and other operational requirements, this Association is officially entitled “CLAMAGORE VETERAN’S ASSOCIATION.
1.1 PURPOSE: To maintain an awareness and camaraderie among the former crew members, officers and enlisted, who honorably served as qualified submariners on board the United States Submarine USS Clamagore. To assist Patriots Point in any way the Association can to help maintain and preserve the Clamagore while it is the visiting submarine.
To this end, plan, schedule and conduct an annual reunion for all living shipmates, spouses, widows, friends, families and all friends and family of those on Eternal Patrol. To provide an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and pay devotional respects to the memories of former shipmates on Eternal Patrol.
1.2 ORGANIZATION This Association shall consist of all former qualified crew members, officers and enlisted who are current in their dues and as a minimum a four member Board of Officers. This Association is chartered as a non-profit Veteran’s Fraternal Organization.
2.0 MEMBERSHIP Any former qualified crew member, officer and enlisted, of the United States Submarine USS Clamagore SS343 is eligible to apply for and be accepted, upon payment of dues, as a member of the Association.
2.1 WIDOWS: Widows who submits a request in writing will be retained on the mailing list of the Associations newsletter.
2.2 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Any individual who is sponsored by a member of the Clamagore Veteran’s Association may apply for Associate Membership or Associate Life Membership. Associate Members will not have the right to a voice or a vote in Association business or hold office in the Association.
2.3 BOARD OF OFFICERS The Board shall consist of a minimum of four officer members, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, each elected by a majority vote of the membership for terms as prescribed herein. Board Officers have no term limits.
2.4 DUTIES The duties of the individual officers are as prescribed herein:
PRESIDENT: The President of the Association is vested with all powers generally given to the chief executive officer of a corporation. He will preside at all meetings of the Board of Officers and Membership. Like all officers of the Association the president has an affirmative duty to carry out the responsibilities of the office in the best interest of the association.
He will call for an annual meeting of the Association and appoint the necessary individuals to assure the reunion will be set up in a proper place and in a proper manner.He will keep the membership advised of all items of interest or impacting upon the Association.He will have the responsibilities of being Editor of the newsletter and supervising the Web Site. In that respect will determine the information that makes up the contents of the newsletter and the web site.The President cannot, without specific board approval borrow funds in the name of the association.The President does have the inherent authority to appoint committees to advise him and to advise the board. The President does have the authority to appoint certain officers to assist him in his duties such as vote tellers, sergeants of arms, and temporary secretary and recorder.
2.4.1 VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President will act for the President only when the President is actually absent or otherwise unable to act. The Vice President will advise the President of any matter of interest to the Association and on any matters requiring action by the Board of Officers. Carry out any additional duties as may be assigned by the President
2.4.2 SECRETARY Maintain an up-to-date Sailing List of the membership to include full name, address, phone number, email address, time on board the Clamagore, rank/rate and other information deemed pertinent.
The Secretary shall be responsible for preparing notice of all meetings of the board and the membership, and to authenticating the records of the association. The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of the meetings and making them available to the board and membership.Prepare membership cards as required. Prepare replies to all correspondence from the membership or other sources as required with the Presidents knowledge and approval. Keep the President advised of all correspondence that needs his attention.Prepare timely announcements to local and national media planners, especially those involved in reunion activities. Maintain an Association Log of Events, and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.Maintain the Memorial List consisting of all known deceased former crewmembers of the USS Clamagaore (SS343)
Write letters of sorry to widows and family members of a deceased former crew member.
2.4.3 TREASURER The treasurer is traditionally the custodian of the funds, securities and financial records of the association. He will establish a checking account under the name of the association, with signature authorization for the President as well as the Treasurer’s. Make all deposits and assure all just debts are paid in a proper and timely manner. Provide the President with a monthly financial statement, which includes all financial matters of the Association.
Maintain the Life membership fund in a low risk investment fund as determined by the Board of Officers. Annually transfer the interest of the Life Membership Fund to the association checking account.Provide the membership with an annual financial statement at the annual reunion for review and approval of those members in attendance.
President Four years
Vice President Four years
Secretary Four Years
Treasurer Four Years
2.5.1 Elections are held in even numbered years. Any elected officer may succeed himself if it is the desire of those present and voting at an annual meeting of the association that is an election year.2.5.2 The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of the Board of Officers and not more than three (3) members at large at least four months prior to the expiration of the term of any elected officer. At the annual Stated Business Meeting nominations will be called from the floor.
2.6 DUES Dues will be assessed annual as the Board of officers deem necessary.
2.7 LIFE MEMBERS The Association will provide for Life Membership in both Regular Member and Associate Member categories. The Board of Officers will determine the cost of any Life Membership. The income from Life Members will be placed in a separate account in the Name of the Association and will be maintained by the Treasurer. The interest from said account may be used to conduct association business, however, the principal of the account shall stay intact and remain invested. Standing of this account will be a part of the treasurer’s annual report to the membership.
2.8 EXPENSES The Board of officers must exercise care and prudence to insure all expenditures membership cost for the reunion. No association monies shall be used to pay for reunion expenses other than the Memorial Service. The President is authorized and will conduct a proper Memorial Service at each annual reunion. Flowers, bugler, bagpiper or other necessities to conduct the Memorial Service is authorized to be paid out of Association Funds if they are not covered by the Reunion Fund Raising events.
2.9 REIMBURSEMENTS Reimbursements shall not be made to any member serving as a Board officer for personal time, travel, local phone calls or for the preparation of written correspondence or record keeping. Reimbursement will be paid for the actual cost of correspondence supplies, postage and other items of a similar nature required for the conduct of business of the Association. Receipts will be required by the treasurer to make payment for reimbursement. No assets of the Association shall be used to reimburse any member of the Association for travel or other expense in connection with the reunion.
In the setting up of an annual reunion extras or perks given to Officers of the Board by the facility hosting the reunion may be accepted by the Board Officers. The President has the final authority concerning these matters and as always use discretion in making his decisions.
3.0 ASSETS The assets of the Association shall be maintained in aforementioned accounts.
3.1 REUNIONS The reunion will be held annually. In view of the fact the former USS Clamagore is presently the visiting submarine at Patriots Point it is deemed that the annual reunion be held in the Charleston area at least every other year. On alternate years the location of the annual reunion will be determined by the Board of Officers. Any person or persons who desire to host an annual reunion will be afforded time to make their presentation at the annual membership reunion. In all situations the President bears the responsibility to assure the membership of a proper reunion.
3.1 Annual reunions shall be planned three years in advance which will provide the members adequate time to make their preparations to attend.
3.2 EVENTS The annual reunion will always include a memorial service and when held in the Charleston area this ceremony will be held on board the Clamagore. The President will maintain liaison with the CEO of Patriots Point to cooperate this event.
An Association Business Meeting and an Annual Banquet will be held at each annual meeting of the membership. In addition, those responsible for the reunion will make arrangements for tours, events for the ladies and other items of interest to the membership.
3.3 SPECIAL RECOGNITION At each annual meeting of the membership any “plank owner” will be recognized. Other special recognition may take place as authorized by the President.
3.4 COST The cost of the reunion shall be set by the Officers of the Board who will insure that the Association Treasury is not used for reunion expenses. This does not preclude using the Treasury funds to prepay for an event which full reimbursement will be made back to the Treasury. Annual dues and Life Membership interest shall not be used to defray reunion expenses.
4.0 PRESENT Should any elected officer vacate his office the President with the approval of the remaining officers shall appoint an acting officer to fill the vacancy from the membership to serve until the next annual reunion election of that particular office.
5.0 NEWSLETTER An Association newsletter shall be published at least three times per year for the present. The President will appoint a “Publisher” for the newsletter who will be responsible for assembling, printing and mailing of the newsletter. The Publisher will be provided by the Secretary an up to date Sailing List for such mailings. If the Publisher desires he may maintain a Sailing List and keep it updated as provided by the Secretary. Expenses of the newsletter will be paid by the Association; however, the labor of the Publisher shall be for the good of the Association. The President will function as the Editor of the newsletter and will be responsible for its contents.
6.0 WEB MASTER The President will appoint a member to run and maintain the official web site of the Clamagore Veteran’s Association as long as one is maintained by the Association. The expenses of the web site will be paid by the Association and the labor of the Web Master will be for the good of the Association. The President will be responsible for the contents of the Web Site.
7.0 DISSOLUTION In the event, for any reason, the Association ceases to exist all assets of the Association will be distributed to a non-profit association approved by the IRS as determined by the Board of Officers.
8.0 AMENDMENTS A change, correction and/or additions to these by-laws may be submitted by any member in good standing of this Association. Any motion of this nature must be approved by three fourths of the active members. The Secretary will prepare the ballot, which will be mailed to all active members of the Association with a time limit of twenty one days to reply. Any ballot mailed that is not returned by the member will be counted as a “for” vote.
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